Hire a Coat Stand



Hire a Coat Stand

Linsey S

Hire a Coat Stand

Post by: Linsey S07/02/2014

As the winter weather continues into the early new year it is more important than ever that staff and visitors have somewhere to effectively store there winter clothing. In the event of miserable weather staff will inevitably rush into their offices in the early morning’s hoping to quickly discard their coats and scarves. Furthermore this leads to a problem as wet scarves and coats are left hanging off the backs of chair and cluttering up the desks of staff members. Nobody wants cold and soggy clothes cluttering their offices and this also looks unimpressive to guests and clients who expect pristine, productive working environments. Online Furniture Hire supplies a range of furniture accessories that can help eliminate this problem.

Hire a Coat Stand

For example, why not hire our practical Coat Stand for use in a multitude of environments. A coat stand will make a smart addition to staff offices as they will be able to maintain an efficient and tidy working environment, whilst installing a coat stand in reception areas will impress visitors and give them a positive first impression upon entering your building.

Our lightweight coat stand is also practical as it can be easily maneuvered to where it will be most useful and it will fit neatly into any corner or entrance inside your company. There is also more than enough room on our coat stand as it holds in excess of ten coats, another advantage of hiring this product.

Our smart coat stand also incorporates an umbrella holder for added functionality, and therefore prevents staff from leaving wet umbrellas haphazardly lying around. This product also includes a versatile base as it also acts as a drip tray for wet umbrellas meaning there really is no reason as to why this couldn’t be the perfect addition to your offices, waiting rooms and reception areas.

Why hire furniture accessories?

Furniture accessories such as our coat stand can help maintain an efficient, tidy, working environment for everyone inside the company. One advantage of office furniture hire is it is extremely cost effective! Hiring furniture from us allows you to be supplied with furniture for just the amount of time it is required and therefore prevents you from spending large amounts of money on items that may not be used all year round.

Additionally we offer flexible hire terms to suit you with fast and efficient delivery. So don’t delay and keep your working environment as productive and organized as possible this new year, by hiring a coat stand for effective storage of extra winter clothing garments. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to give us a call today and our staff will be more than happy to give you any advice!


April 2014 (8)